EighthInch Parts Re-Stock!

A container filled with re-stock parts just made it in this morning. Restocks include track cranks, bullhorn bars, track bars, Tessa wheelsets, splined cranksets, splined chainrings, pedals, toe clips, and toe straps. I know a lot of you have been waiting for these parts to make it in so stop by our store and pick some up!

Photo Friday – Welcome To The Team Hakim

We’re happy to announce the addition of a new EighthInch rider. Hakim from Singapore just got his new Butcher rolling. Check out his bike check below and expect to see more from him soon!

sz50 EightInch Butcher
AllCity dropout fork
AlphaLab bars
NsBikes stem
EightInch seatpost
Odyssey saddle
EightInch freestyle crankset
YBN halflinks
FlyBikes pedal
Rider’sWay FRS
H+Son eero F-R
AllCity sheriff star F-R
some 26 X 1.75′ tires F- R
GSport pegs

Photo via bumariffin.

Massive EighthInch Parts Re-Stock

A nice big shipping container was at our doorstep when we came in this morning. Not only did it have our Butcher frames, but there was a good amount of small parts we were waiting to get in too. Track cranks, track bars, Tessa wheelsets, splined cranks, and stems are all back in stock.  Check them out here!

5th Floor EighthInch Splined Crankset Review

The guys over at The 5th Floor threw up a nice little review on our splined crankset a few days back. Sounds like they’ve been running great. Check out the full review here. Thanks guys!


LockedCog Crank Review

Kris just threw up a nice review on our 48 Spined Crankset yesterday. He’s been riding these since the prototype stages so if anyone has a say on their performance it’s Kris.

As many of you know i’ve been giving the Eighthinch freestyle goods a beating for some time now. This is the first of a few looks of what the freestyle parts have held up to. Ready go…

Check out the full review over at LockedCog.

EighthInch Price Reductions 1 of 3

Our 170mm splined cranks are $20 off! That means for only $99.50! you can get a 48 splined crankset with your choice of euro or mid bottom bracket. Pick up a set from our store today!

Just In! Splined Crank Installer and Remover

We just got in a bunch of crank tools made for our splined cranksets. This makes installing and removing your splined cranks a lot easier. For only $14.99 it’s definitely worth the investment. Click on the pictures to see them in our store.

Backpedal Blog Review


Phil, from newly launched Backpedal Blog, just put up a nice little review on our splined crankset. He’s been running them for quite a while now and they’ve been great for him. Check out the review here and be sure to keep on eye on Backpedal Blog.

Product Re-Stock – Cogs N’ Cranks

It’s been a long wait but 15t and 16t 1/8 cogs are finally back in stock. Along with the cogs we’ve also got 160mm black splined cranks back in stock. Quantities are limited on the cranks so get them while you can.




Mid Bottom Brackets Available

A lot of you have been waiting for these to come in. Now you can pick up our 48 spline cranks with a mid bottom bracket for no extra charge. They’ll also be available on their own if you just need the bottom bracket. Check out the bottom brackets here. Or pick one up with our splined cranks here.