Fixed Gear Revolution 3 Photos

We recently helped sponsor Fixed Gear Revolution 3 in Beijing. Quite a few photos have been popping up so I thought it would be worth sharing a few. Judging from the pictures it looks like they had a pretty nice setup. There were quite a few events and more then enough prizes to go around. Here are some shots taken by Nie Zheng that I saw on BeijingFG. Sorry if the load time bogs you down, the photo’s were posted as one giant image.

Dublin’s Fixed Gear Underground

I saw this pop up on The Foot Down earlier today. It’s a  great mini documentary covering the underground fixed scene in Dublin. There are some interviews with our friends at On Track Dublin and EighthInch rider Johnny O’Byrne. They discuss how the fixed scene started there and where it is today with people branching out into bike polo and FGFS. It’s great to see a strong urban cycling scene over there.

EighthInch Rider Update – Steve Bilek

Our local rider, Steve Bilek, was one of the first riders EighthInch sponsored. You can find Steve at nearly every Milwaukee alleycat. He also tries to make it out to regional alleycats throughout the Midwest and even ventured overseas for the 2009 CMWC in Tokyo. When he’s not riding bikes he is working on them. He also helps out at COG selling ad space and makes electronic music. Don’t forget to check out Steve’s full rider profile.

Sponsored Rider Update – Johnny O’Byrne

Another sponsored rider update comes from Johnny O’Byrne in Dublin, Ireland. Johnny is a jack of all trades when it comes to riding. He’s a messenger that spends his free time playing polo and dabbling in freestyle. To see more on Johnny check out his newly updated rider profile here.

Slushball Alleycat This Weekend

Oshkosh is holding an alleycat this weekend called the Slushball to benefit the Time Community Theater. Some fresh snow and above freezing temperatures will make it slushy for sure. Unpredictable road conditions always make for an interesting alleycat. Anyone in Milwaukee suffering from cabin fever should try to make the trip up. It’s sure to be a great time! Visit Oshkosh Alleycat’s Facebook page for more info.

Chico Fixed Gear Comp and Alleycat

This is the 3rd year for the  Chico fixed gear comp and it looks like it should be bigger than ever. They’ve got a great lineup of events including trackstands, backwards circles, a drag race, footdown, long skid, freestyle, and a boomerang sprint. Make it there if you can. 

Downtown Showdown

If your in the Cleveland area mark your calendars for November 5-7 for the Downtown Showdown. A $10 entry fee gets you in to a weekend full of events and a shirt. There’s a pretty big lineup of events including 2 alleycats, a crit race, sprints, polo and more! Sounds like a fun weekend.