Scrambler Group Buy Update

Good news! Over the weekend we reached 10 committed buyers for the EighthInch Scrambler group buy. We reached the minimum faster than I expected and coupon codes have already been emailed out. The good news for everyone else is you still have until the end of the month to enter the group buy and get the same $120 price. Check out all the group buy details and sign up here.

Scrambler Frame Re-Stock!

We just received a container filled with Scrambler frames. We now have a full size run of black, white, and raw frames in stock and ready to ship. Pick one up today on or use the coupon code “eighthinch_build_50” to save $50 on a complete build.

Flickr Finds

While browsing through Flickr I came across quite a few photo’s with EighthInch bikes in them. Some have made their way into the blogosphere but there are still a bunch in hiding. To highlight some of these lost gems I thought I would start posting them. If you have any photo’s on Flickr that feature EighthInch bikes or products send the link to sales@eighthinch and we will see if they make the cut.

Our first photo comes from Duraath in Singapore. He captures a nice footover skid on a V2. Be sure to check out his Flickr and Tumblr page for more great shots.

Video Friday – Birth of a Butcher

Photo Friday has just been upgraded to Video Friday. We recently received some footage from the factory building our Butcher frames and turned it into a nice little edit. Check it out and see the Butcher on its way through the manufacturing process.

[vimeo 23695552]

EighthInch Butchers Are Shipping

Today our container of Butcher freestyle frames finally made it in. Pre-orders should all be shipped by the end of the day. If you still haven’t picked one up check them out here. Frames start at $300 or you can pick up a complete build for only $799.


Scrambler Build Updates

We just added some new options to our complete Scrambler builds. You can now upgrade to a half link chain or sealed bearing HD headset. You can choose plastic pedals or headtube extenders now too. Click on the pictures or check them out here.

(Don’t forget the free gift cards we’re offering with Scramblers this month)

Scrambler Christmas Promotion – Free Gift Cards!

Get a Scrambler and get a free gift. Now when you buy a Scrambler frameset you’ll get a $25 gift card free when you use the coupon code “scrambler_frame_christmas”. Buy a complete bike and get a $100 gift card free with the coupon code “scrambler_bike_christmas”! Only on Cycling


Photo Friday – Cyclocross Preview

A lot of you have been begging to see some shots of our new SS cyclocross frame. Here’s the first two prototypes we got in. We’ve had some solid miles put on and we’re really stoked about it. It has a clean look, good geometry, and rides great. Right now we’re working on disk mounts and a fork so stay tuned for more updates as we iron out the details.

Scramblers Are Shipping

ALL the Scrambler pre-orders are making their way out today.

Scrambler V3 Pre-Order Update

Just to update everyone who has a pre-order in, the Scrambler V3 frames landed in the US. They got to California a few days ago and are hitching a train ride up to Wisconsin. We’re expecting to have them in around a week so it pushes our estimated arrival back a little but not by much. Hold tight if you’ve got a pre-order in, we’ll begin shipping them the same day they arrive. If you don’t have an order in already you can click on the banner to visit our store.